[오픽완전정복] OPIc 예상문제 / 모범답안 / 필수표현 (전자기기 관련 주제)
OPIc 필수 표현을 모아모아 소개해드려요!
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예상 문제와 모범 답안, 그리고 오픽 필수 표현을 숙지하시면 시험에 많은 도움이 되실 거에요.
그럼 오늘의 예상 질문 3개를 살펴볼까요?
오픽 예상 질문
Q1. What kind of technologies do you use at school? What do they do and how do they help you?
Q2. What technological device do you use the most these days? A cellular phone, laptop computer or any other handheld device? Please tell me about your experience using the device.
Q3. How has technology changed over time? What was the technology you used like in the past? How is it different from the technology you use today?
오픽 예상 질문 1
What kind of technologies do you use at school? What do they do and how do they help you?
# 오픽 필수 단어
mobile device → 휴대용 기기
tablet → 테블릿
portable → 휴대가 쉬운
assist → 보조, 도움
function /functions → 기능
revolution / revolutionize → 대변혁을 가져오다
at my own pace → 내 속도에 맞춰서
# 오픽 필수 표현
I take my classes using …
Most of the time I tend to use…
I love my tablet because it is…
I download…
It helps me to study on the go.
…in my own time and at my own pace.
I use an MP3 player to…
# 오픽 모범 답안
I’m a student at a cyber university so I can take my classes using a mobile device. Most of the time I tend to use my tablet. I love my tablet because it is portable, light, and fits into my backpack. This helps me to study on the go. I download lots of helpful applications to help me study English, for example, dictionaries. I can also download textbooks using my tablet.
I use an MP3 player to assist me at school. It has a lot of different functions. Usually I use my MP3 player to record classes or my own voice. When I am feeling really stressed about studying, I also use it to listen to my favorite music. I think technology has revolutionized the way we study. All the stuff I need to study with fits in the palm of my hand. This technology helps me study in my own time and at my own pace.
오픽 예상질문 2
What technological device do you use the most these days? A cellular phone, laptop computer or any other handheld device? Please tell me about your experience using the device.
# 오픽 필수 단어
on a day-to-day basis → 매일매일
mobile phone → 휴대전화
lap-top → 노트북 (랩탑 컴퓨터)
numerous functions → 수많은 기능들
conduct → (일을) 하다, 수행하다
aspect → 측면
on the go → 바쁜, 움직이는
portable storage devices → 이동식 저장 장치
# 오픽 필수 표현
I use my mobile phone the most.
I tend to use it for…
…from SMS messaging to emailing …
It is really helpful in the way it allows me to…
…even when I’m on the go.
…both in and out of the office
# 오픽 모범 답안
I would say that on a day-to-day basis, I use my mobile phone the most. It’s an iPhone, so I tend to use it for numerous functions from sms messaging to emailing to keeping track of meetings and appointments. It’s become an essential tool in the way I conduct nearly every aspect of my professional life.
Secondly, I suppose I use my lap-top the most. I was assigned a company laptop when I became a manager and I find it’s really helpful in the way it allows me to access files and documents even when I’m on the go.
I can remember the days when we had to carry floppy discs around, so I can really see how the era of portable storage devices and wireless connectivity has changed how we work, both in and out of the office.
오픽 예상문제 3
How has technology changed over time? What was the technology you used like in the past? How is it different from the technology you use today?
# 오픽 필수 단어
crawl → (엎드려) 기다
cumbersome → 다루기 힘든, 번거로운
Portable cassette player → 휴대용 카세트 플레이어
nostalgic → 향수의, 향수를 불러일으키는
formats → 구성 방식, 형식, 서식
prefer → 선호하다, 더 좋아하다
# 오픽 필수 표현
Back in the day, we had…
It took a lot more time to get things done.
If I wanted to … I’d have to…
Everything was … back then.
the height of technology
looking back now…
I much prefer today’s technology.
# 오픽 모범 답안
Back in the day, we had a lot of different devices, and it took a lot more time to get things done. If I wanted to research something on the Internet, I’d have to go to the library at school. And even then, the Internet crawled compared to today’s speeds. And everything was bigger and more cumbersome back then.
I had a portable cassette player, which I thought was the height of technology. But, looking back now, I much prefer today’s technology. I’m not exactly a nostalgic person, so I’m very happy to leave all the old formats behind. These days, I can get almost anything done quickly and efficiently from my smartphone.